At Renewable Utility Solutions, we pride ourselves in offering the very best Customer Service. Occasionally things may go wrong, and if they do, we want to hear from you so we can have an opportunity to put things right.

Querying Your Contract
If you feel that any of the information that we have submitted to a supplier on your behalf is inaccurate or that you did not agree to any aspect of the agreement, we ask that you contact the person who advised you in the first instance. This is primarily so that you are speaking with the person who has the best understanding of your supplies and has an audit history of communications to hand. Hopefully, the advisor will be able to resolve any queries you have, and the issue will not escalate to a complaint.

Raising a Complaint
If the advisor is unable to resolve your query or you specifically wish to report the query directly to a manager, please email stating:

• Your name

• The business name

• Your address (the address of the premises that the contract has been arranged for)

• The nature of the complaint

• The best number to contact you on and the best time to speak with you

Alternatively, you can contact us on 0121 5170905 and request a call back or you can write to us at:

Renewable Utility Solutions Limited
Natwest Chambers
143-146 High Street
Cradley Heath
West Midlands
B64 5HJ

A manager will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and will take any necessary further action. 

All details of your complaint will be recorded, including the date your complaint was received and details of when you were updated.

Resolving Your Complaint
If your complaint is upheld, the line manager will inform you both verbally and in writing. They will apologise for any errors made and highlight any further action to be taken to prevent further occurrences. We will provide you with an explanation of what has gone wrong and what we are doing to put things right; this may include providing compensation. If your complaint is not upheld, we will outline why this is the case and provide you with the evidence we have gathered supporting this decision. The outcome of our investigation will be provided to you both verbally and in writing.


Independent Help and Advice
Ombudsman Services – Energy – effective from 1st December 2022

If your complaint has not been resolved within 8 weeks or we are unable to reach a mutually agreeable resolution, you will be able to raise a dispute with Ombudsman Services from 1st December 2022.

Ombudsman Services provide an independent and impartial Alternative Dispute Resolution service that is free for you to use.

You may contact the Ombudsman in any of the following ways:


Phone: 0330 440 1624


Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF


Alternatively, you can raise your complaint directly with the supplier concerned, informing them that you have attempted to resolve the complaint with us in the first instance.